Groups of people

In this section, the Herrerias Association aims to exhibit photographs related to the life, facilities, jobs, events, etc.. at the Herrerías Mine.
The photos are classified into several themes to facilitate your enjoyment.
We greatly appreciate the contributions of the public and photographs of friends and reletives, highlighting "Photo Gallery" of and Domingo Suarez Ribes.

Juan de Cruz Ponce White, who was driving the mule wagon, who worked for  the company, which was used as transport to Puebla de Guzmán
Women in the 50’s in the twentieth century
Photo by the wagon train passengers of Herrerías miners to Puerto de la Laja
Technical staff and office Herrerías Mines, SA
Inhabitants of Heads of Pasto
Celebration after a wedding
Baltasar Ponce Martín, Antonio Pimienta, Juan y Tomás Limón y Manuel Ramos Gamero (agachado) en la plazoleta de la Iglesia.
Comida de campo, después de cacería y entre otros aparecen: Fernando Suárez Feria, Manuel Ramos Gamero, José Suárez García, Federico Hidalgo Rodríguez, Simón Cruz Vallellano, Leoncio y Pedro Pajares Gallego, …
Jóvenes de los años 70 del siglo XX. Valentina Rodríguez Márquez, Juana Miguela Cáceres, Manoli “la Canaria”, Samblás Redondo Ponce, Juana Gañán Pérez, Piedras Albas González Rodríguez y Sampedro Ojeda Álvarez. La niña es Merchi González Rodríguez.
Trajeados para celebrar Santa Bárbara.
Habitantes de Herrerías.
Un año por Santa Bárbara en el Estadio Guadalupe, (dcha. a izqda.) José Miguel, Juana, Gaspar Conde Ponce, Manolita y Juan José.

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