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Dr. Fausto Lechuga García. 'La generosidad personificada'

José Suárez Suárez

After a lot of hard research work, the author describes all fatal accidents that occurred in the Herrerías Mines, the Cabezas del Pasto and the La Membrilla Mines with great documentary detail. Accidents are described for each of the individuals separately and in detail, one by one, and documented as in the minutes of the Chief technician during his visit of Mines to inspect the extraordinary reasons for the accident, the death certificate issued by the Civil Registry and annotation in the book of deaths of the Holy Cross Parish of Puebla de Guzmán. Also in some cases some other particular documentation is provided. Complete with a beautiful story called "The Mine" by Manuel Ramos Gamero, the book which is prefaced by the Dean of the College President of Mining Engineers South, D. Lobo Felipe Ruano.

Presentation of the book. Part 1..

Presentation of the book. Part 2.

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